
Picture Hooks Lecture 2020: Beatrice Alemagna (date tbc)

***Please note the exact date is yet TBC*** We are delighted to be welcoming Beatrice Alemagna to Edinburgh for a Picture Hooks Lecture at where she will speak about her career, her processes, her influences and her latest books.   Beatrice Alemagna is one of the most acclaimed illustrators working today. Born in Bologna, Italy and now based in […]

February 28, 2020

Making Picturebooks: Past, Present and Future – A lecture by Martin Salisbury

Martin Salisbury is Course Leader at the renowned Cambridge School of Art MA in Children’s Book Illustration, Director of the Centre for Children’s Book Studies, and author of a number of books on illustration, including most recently The Illustrated Dust Jacket 1920-1970 (Thames & Hudson) and The Snail that Climbed the Eiffel Tower & other […]

September 18, 2017

Picture Hooks Lecture: Illustrating Books for Children with Nicolette Jones

The leading literary commentator, writer, critic and broadcaster, Nicolette Jones will give a key note speech on children’s book illustration.

September 18, 2016